View Javadoc

1   /***
2    *  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
3    *  License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
4    *  except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
5    *  the License at
6    *
7    *  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
8    *  IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
9    *  implied. See the License for the specific language governing
10   *  rights and limitations under the License.
11   *
12   *  The Original Code is pow2WebGui library.
13   *
14   *  The Initial Owner of the Original Code is Power Of Two S.R.L.
15   *  Portions created by Power Of Two S.R.L. are Copyright (C) Power Of Two S.R.L.
16   *  All Rights Reserved.
17   *
18   * Contributor(s):
19   *    Henner.Kollmann
20   *     - provides code to automatically set the required selectedTab attribute;
21   *     - uses the TryCatchFinally interface; reset the selected Tab attribute
22   *       into doFinally() (necessary for tomcat 4.1.x);
23   */
25  package com.pow2.webgui.taglib;
27  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
28  import javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException;
29  import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TryCatchFinally;
31  import com.pow2.util.Util;
32  import com.pow2.webgui.WidgetFactory;
33  import com.pow2.webgui.contentprovider.BaseContentProvider;
34  import com.pow2.webgui.tabbedselector.TabbedSelector;
35  import com.pow2.webgui.tabbedselector.TabbedSelectorUtil;
38  /***
39   *  TabbedSelectorTag class.
40   *
41   * @author  Luca Fossato
42   * @created  11 June 2001
43   */
44  public class TabbedSelectorTag extends TabbedSelector  implements TryCatchFinally
45  {
46    private WidgetFactory  wf = null;
47    private TabbedSelector ts = null;
50    /***
51     *  Gets the TabbedPanel attribute of this tag.
52     *
53     * @return  the TabbedPanel attribute of this tag.
54     */
55    public TabbedSelector getTabbedSelector()
56    {
57      return ts;
58    }
61    /***
62     * @return  Description of the Return Value
63     * @exception  JspTagException Description of the Exception
64     */
65    public int doStartTag() throws JspTagException
66    {
67      // get the relative widget; the optional widget content provider
68      // will be set into the doAfterBody method.
69      try
70      {
71        // 2002118
72        // remove the required selectedTab attribute
73        // so the JSP code on the page is unnecessary!
74        if (getSelectedTab() == null)
75        {
76           HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();
77           String selTab = TabbedSelectorUtil.getSelectedTabParamValue(request, getName());
79           if (!Util.isNull(selTab))
80               setSelectedTab(selTab);
81        }
83        wf = WidgetFactory.instance();
84        ts = (TabbedSelector)wf.getWidget(TabbedSelector.KEY);
85        ts.updateAttributes(this);
86        ts.setWidgetDrawer(drawer);
87      }
88      catch(Exception e)
89      {
90        cat.error("::doStartTag - cannot retrieve the widget having key [" + TabbedSelector.KEY + "]");
91        throw new JspTagException(e.getMessage());
92      }
94      return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED;
95    }
98    /***
99     * @return  Description of the Return Value
100    * @exception  JspTagException Description of the Exception
101    */
102   public int doEndTag() throws JspTagException
103   {
104     try
105     {
106       // get (ad then retrieve) the contentProvider class instance;
107       if (!Util.isNull(contentProviderName))
108       {
109         ts.setContentProvider(contentProviderName);
110         BaseContentProvider cp = ts.getContentProvider();
112         if (cp != null)
113           TagUtil.setContentProviderData(cp, pageContext);
114       }
115     }
116     catch (Exception e)
117     {
118       cat.error("::doStartTag - cannot set the widget content provider", e);
119       throw new JspTagException(e.getMessage());
120     }
122     if (bodyContent != null)
123     {
124       try
125       {
126         bodyContent.getEnclosingWriter().print(ts.draw());
127       }
128       catch(Exception e)
129       {
130         cat.error("::doAfterBody - drawing error", e);
131         throw new JspTagException(e.getMessage());
132       }
133     }
135     return EVAL_PAGE;
136   }
139    /***
140     *  Reset selected Tab. necessary for tomcat 4.1.x.
141     *  <br>
142     *  2002118
143     */
144    public void doFinally()
145    {
146       setSelectedTab(null);
147       removeTabs();
148    }
151    /***
152     *  DOCUMENT ME!
153     *  <br>
154     *  2002118
155     *
156     * @param  t DOCUMENT ME!
157     * @throws  Throwable DOCUMENT ME!
158     */
159    public void doCatch(Throwable t) throws Throwable
160    {
161       cat.error("::doCatch - exception", t);
162       throw t;
163    }
164 }